Vision Statement
At Echo Geotechnical, we know our clients need as much data as possible before they drill, dig or load their sites. Our equipment is non-intrusive, quick and accurate. The integration of subsurface profiling with discrete drill holes and cone penetration tests (CPT) reveals the complexity of the subsurface by filling in the gaps in knowledge between test holes. This reduces the risk and costs associated with undetected hazards.
What We Do
Echo Geotechnical delivers continuous, high resolution, multi-attribute subsurface profiles, reducing risk and optimizing opportunities for our clients. We collect, process and interpret Shear moduli from SH reflection, MASW and compressional (P-wave) data in a single pass providing our clients with higher resolution images that are decision-ready for their geotechnical, mining or water resource applications
- Cost efficient Vibroseis energy source and streamer with 72 3C receivers using minimal crew
- Includes MASW acquisition, SH and P-wave in single pass
- Non-intrusive - ideal for urban settings or dams and levees
- Large number of channels recorded for full section - shallow to deep

Our Experience
Founder David Schieck’s decades of expertise in engineering and environmental seismic acquisition, processing and interpretation is a scarce commodity in the engineering seismic field. Partnering David’s Geotechnical expertise and experience, with Echo Seismic’s acquisition resources in equipment, man-power and safety processes, provides a solid team and technology to meet any Geotechnical, Mining and Water Resources subsurface profiling problem.
Merging David’s background and Echo Seismic’s equipment expertise has generated advanced, innovative technology with the ‘Shear wave land streamer’. Large capacity exploration seismic equipment repurposed and combined with leading edge Vibroseis control electronics plus best-in-market GPS enables revolutionary, non-intrusive subsurface profiling for near surface soils investigations.
About David Shieck
Founder David Schieck started working in seismic data processing in the 80’s where he wrote code and lead a group developing 3D seismic processing techniques. Upon obtaining his Masters of Science specializing in ground roll dispersion, he worked for a short period for an engineering firm mapping low velocity, high liquefaction clays in South America.
In the 1990’s and early 2000’s, Mr. Schieck started, grew and in 2005 sold, an engineering and environmental seismic company in SW Ontario. The company’s expertise included water resource exploration, mining exploration and geotechnical site characterization. After 10 years as a consulting geophysicist in the North American oil patch, Mr. Schieck spearheaded, Echo Environmental and Geotechnical Services Ltd. (“Echo Geotech”), a new subsidiary of Echo Seismic directed at engineering, mining and water resource applications of seismic, specifically capitalizing on shear wave soil investigations.
With over 30 years of seismic acquisition design, multi-component processing and interpretation experience in both geotechnical (shallow seismic) and oil and gas (deep seismic) applications, Mr. Schieck is able to provide unparalleled results in terms of quality and efficacy. Echo Geotech has completed projects in the mining and water resource sectors in Western Canada.
Geophysical Exploration
Echo Seismic Ltd is a full service geophysical exploration company with global capabilities. Comprised of a diversified management team with unmatched worldwide experience, Echo has the knowledge and ability to handle any challenges involved with seismic exploration, including both land and marine hazard services.
Technical Team
A technical field team that is second to none will ensure the safe, timely, and efficient completion of any seismic program. With expertise of operating in extreme environments and severe terrain, our team is equipped and ready to tackle any assignment.
Our Technology
Recent developments in full wavefield recording devices, higher resolution equipment and advances in data processing has enabled Echo Geotechnical to develop and test a low cost, non-intrusive shear source towing a series of equally spaced (1 m) 72 X 3-component receivers. This new configuration facilitates acquisition of continuous lines of data with 0.5m lateral sampling for shear wave velocity of the near surface soils using MASW processing (<6m) while at the same time acquiring shear-wave reflection AND P-wave reflections data (>6m). This system is capable of continuously acquiring accurate data within the range of 0-200m depth at a rate of 3-4km/day with a 3-5 person crew at 0.5m lateral sampling.